Well, the blues have been held off for now. All the tips I received after my last post were pretty useful. Thank YOU! (trying high pressure sales pitch to keep you hooked to ymitif :D)
Anyway, the quick fix was to yell randomly and incoherently in public. Ok, it wasn't incoherent. And it wasn't random. I mooed. Yes, the sound that cows make. Moo. At a person who was walking down the road minding his own business. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him turn around and look at me. I didn't turn back to look at him, but I imagine he had a "What DID you say?" look in his eyes. *snicker
And honestly, I've never felt more alive in my life. What this means is that Gaya has found a brilliant and quick solution for depression. Something that could sink Prozac and their ilk forever. Or it means that I'm as much in need of help as she is. Your call.
The final solution was 3 hour sessions of sitcoms. How I met your mother on saturday and sunday. Scrubs on monday. I know, I know, it wasn't the most constructive thing to do (mum would've had my head. If this were the run up to the board exams, that is :D)
Point is, there's nothing that makes me feel better than comedy. Whether it's a sitcom, stand-up comedy, cartoons (and I mean the classics from the '40s and '50s), it doesn't matter. It's about being able to see the flip side, the funny side, that matters. I'm sure that applies to a sizeable number of people. Yet, for some reason there's no decent humour in Indian language television
Think about it. The closest thing we had to a sitcom in tamil was "Veetukku Veedu Looty". and they ruined that as well with "VVL-2", before finally killing it off. And I suppose those mini-series by Kovai Anuradha also count. The rest of the so-called comedy shows are just plain rubbish. (Ok, ok. I'll stop. Not going into another rant here.
I was just wondering if I should start another blog for my more "profound" wonderings. Somehow, I don't think posts like Just call me clownfish and Coolness belong in the same place. I'm not sure what I should do. What do you think? Put down your ayes and nays in the comments :)
But I can't do this all on my own
I'm no superman
Friends (are) forever
1 week ago
Yay! happy posts are back!
HA. i am smug. :)
there shall come a day when you will not feel stupid the day after. it's a good feeling, really.
You moo-ed? In public? Heck, you stole MY lines! :P
:) Good to see you less pensive and more happy. :D
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