Exam season is here again. Funnily, this has been a semester of mini-seasons. Late August was the season for clubs. The last two weeks were cold season. And no, that wasn't just me. Nearly 10 % of my classmates had colds, coughs, sneezes, sore throats and the like. What can I say, misery loves company. And so does the cold virus.
Of course the flip side to exam season is that I get to go back to Madras once they're over. I get the first week of October off. So, yay! It's a pity that good things come in small packages, but a week is better than nothing at all. The bigger pity is that my first exam is tomorrow.
The other good thing is that because I've started specializing this year, I only have 4 papers this semester. And probably no more than 5 papers in any semester till I graduate (evil laughter) That feels good. I haven't done the evil laughter bit for quite some time now :)
In other news, Vodafone is acting up again. For some reason I can't call non-Vodafone numbers between 8 and 10 pm. And that sucks because that's when I do most of my calling. The worst part is that I can't even call the Vodafone helpline and blast them, because calls won't go through to them even! Am I the only one with Vodafone woes? (BTW, the only reason I'm not switching networks is that Airtel's connectivity is bad in my area, and Idea's customer service is worse than Vodafone)
I suppose the right thing to say now is that you'll hear from me once I get back to Madras. But that would be a lie. I'm pretty sure that my portions are going to frustrate me, and that I'll get bored often enough to write at least two more posts here before I leave. Watch this space!
Friends (are) forever
1 week ago
all the best for exams! am looking forward to more posts in between though (i definitely blog more when i have studies to take care of :P)
and stupid vodafone. how would you call me now? heh
* grumble grumble *
They spoil you people there with holidays!
* grumble grumble *
it's strange, but at exam time, you feel like doing everything BUT studying, so I guess you'll be posting anyway :P
all the best, though!! sometimes I miss studying...sigh :P
strange dude, I have my own vodafone woes here in madras. My calls never seem to get billed :D
@ pseudo: Thanks! And as far as phone woes go, where there's a pay phone, there's a way :)
@ chitra: You bet they do! (more evil laughter)
@ dropper: You miss studying? Really? What utopian school/college did you go to?
@ sido: Technically, accounting errors like that don't count as woes. However, if somebody else is receiving your bills, that would be a woe for him!
The good part, of course, being the baccarwadi! * mouth waters * Get here soon!
hehe, I guess it's the classic case of the grass always being greener on the other side :P well I guess i don't miss STUDYING...it's just the whole thing of hanging out with friends, bunking, not bothering with a lot of stuff that i bother about now that i'm working... and all, u know. Great, I'm old at 23 and i realised i have bn working for more than 2 yrs :O shit man!
the tag awaits :)
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